
painless hair removal choice-IPL hair removal

According to beauty experts, in the 1990s, IPL technology in cosmetic medicine has made great progress, scientists are using IPL technology to successfully "selective photothermal effect" principle applied to remove the hair issue. IPL specific wavelength through the skin, directly on the hair follicles, hair follicles, melanin in the hair shaft to selectively absorb light energy, thermal effects resulting coagulation necrosis of the hair follicle, hair will not grow.

IPL hair removal
is a method of
painless hair removal,through the use of specific wavelengths of the skin, directly on the hair follicles, hair follicles, melanin in the hair shaft to selectively absorb light energy, thermal effects resulting coagulation necrosis of the hair follicle, hair will not grow, has been destroyed after a natural physiological process of hair follicles after being removed.

IPL hair removal needs to be done 3 to 5 times to fully work. Because hair growth to go through the growing season, catagen and telogen stages. Presence of melanin within the hair follicle growth phase, the phase of hair follicle IPL can play a destructive role; less melanin in the hair follicle catagen, IPL hair follicle damaging effects of the weaker; telogen hair follicle is no melanin, IPL it has no effect, only other telogen hair follicles into growing follicles, then the IPL works.
IPL Hair Removal indications:

1, congenital hairy: a genetic, racial, endocrine disorders caused by abnormal or normal parts of the hairy parts.

2, hirsutism: endocrine disorders caused by men like women who grow thick hair.

3, as is the use of hair follicles in the IPL hair removal IPL priority to the absorption of pigment to be treated, so the black skin of the people, the treatment may also absorb part of the IPL energy, which ha
s some damage to the skin, so IPL hair removal particularly suitable for the kind of fair skin and hair than black people.