
painless hair removal choice-IPL hair removal

According to beauty experts, in the 1990s, IPL technology in cosmetic medicine has made great progress, scientists are using IPL technology to successfully "selective photothermal effect" principle applied to remove the hair issue. IPL specific wavelength through the skin, directly on the hair follicles, hair follicles, melanin in the hair shaft to selectively absorb light energy, thermal effects resulting coagulation necrosis of the hair follicle, hair will not grow.

IPL hair removal
is a method of
painless hair removal,through the use of specific wavelengths of the skin, directly on the hair follicles, hair follicles, melanin in the hair shaft to selectively absorb light energy, thermal effects resulting coagulation necrosis of the hair follicle, hair will not grow, has been destroyed after a natural physiological process of hair follicles after being removed.

IPL hair removal needs to be done 3 to 5 times to fully work. Because hair growth to go through the growing season, catagen and telogen stages. Presence of melanin within the hair follicle growth phase, the phase of hair follicle IPL can play a destructive role; less melanin in the hair follicle catagen, IPL hair follicle damaging effects of the weaker; telogen hair follicle is no melanin, IPL it has no effect, only other telogen hair follicles into growing follicles, then the IPL works.
IPL Hair Removal indications:

1, congenital hairy: a genetic, racial, endocrine disorders caused by abnormal or normal parts of the hairy parts.

2, hirsutism: endocrine disorders caused by men like women who grow thick hair.

3, as is the use of hair follicles in the IPL hair removal IPL priority to the absorption of pigment to be treated, so the black skin of the people, the treatment may also absorb part of the IPL energy, which ha
s some damage to the skin, so IPL hair removal particularly suitable for the kind of fair skin and hair than black people.


Talk about the IPL hair removal side effects

Hair Removal Principle: the hair follicle melanocytes to specific wavelengths of light absorption, the hair follicles produce heat, the selective destruction of hair follicles, and the heat emitted by the hair shaft cross-section can be conducted to the hair follicle deep to the hair follicle temperature rose rapidly high so as to achieve to avoid damage to surrounding tissue, while the effect of removing hair.

Does IPL hair removal has side effects?

IPL Hair Removal will be rosy after local, this rosy sustainable minutes to several hours. Generally do not have other side effects. Some patients may have mild or moderate discomfort, local anesthesia is not necessary. Mild skin redness is normal. These harmful side effects in the l5-30 hours after the disappearance. 1-2 days, the skin will have a sense of tension.

The United States had more than one thousand cases of therapeutic research, only observed in short-term side effects. IPL hair removal requires experienced physicians for treatment and after treatment, patients will get the correct skin care guide. In the treatment of pain may be mild, like a rubber band playing the feeling on the skin, treatment may be associated with a slight swelling, but swelling and will not last very long, usually subside in a few hours or several days. Changes in skin color after treatment 2-3 weeks subsided, the skin will not be a permanent color change, it will not cause scars,
and will not affect the sweat glands. IPL hair removal is a safe, fast, long-lasting hair removal method.

Proper use of IPL hair removal, IPL hair removal side effects
can be completely avoidable.


Get to know of IPL hair removal in singapore

IPL hair removal will affect my work?

Pores on the skin after treatment there will be some slight swelling, mild redness and edema showed, however, completely disappeared after about two hours, and then no one will know in two hours before you did the magic of the IPL hair removal Singapore treatment. Therefore, IPL hair removal will not affect your work, is not very convenient?

What season is the best season of hair removal?

Season is not a problem, because any season can be. If you want the summer to wear short skirts or sleeveless, do not want those people to make the hair bothers you feel embarrassed, you should be in the winter or spring when it started IPL hair removal treatments, because a course of hair removal treatment require about six times, about 6 months to complete. So when you start from the winter, summer, basically the end of treatment. Of course, summer treat also, because of the season for hair removal treatment had little impact

Get to know the effect of Singapore IPL hair removal.Hair removal Singapore treatment with those factors?

Mainly related to the following factors: individual differences are affecting the patient's treatment results. Manifested in different people, their ability to grow hair is different. Also the skin color and hair color are also significant differences in the effects of treatment will be different, different parts of the hair follicles on the response of IPL treatment will be different, such as facial hair relative to the armpit, the removal more difficult . And the thickness of the hair treatment has a very big impact. From the device, the device in the treatment of different treatment in terms of safety there are some differences, and IPL light sources for treatment have a very big impact, such as the IPL treatment is certainly better than the effect of light. Of course the doctor's experience is also very important, experienced physicians can accurately grasp the treatment of indications and contraindications, timely adjustment of treatment and resolve or avoid other potential problems.

After treatment, I should?

Before treatment (1 month) Do not use any other hair removal treatment (including hair removal creams, plucking, etc.), otherwise it will affect the effect of IPL hair removal, hair removal within 12 hours after hair removal Do not wash the water district, not what other a good note. Of course, depending on your specific situation, the doctor may also have other requirements. 


How's the Laser Eye Surgery

Someone considering laser eye surgery will need to gather lots of information before actually going through with the procedure. Laser eye surgery or as it is sometimes also referred to as Lasik eye surgery can change a persons life by allowing them to finally be free from bifocals or glasses. As with any type of surgery there have been documented results that are not complimentary, but having said that, the laser eye surgery procedure these days is fairly commonplace and has come a long way since it's beginning.

There are a lot of laser eye procedures that one can choose to take treatment for. It is quite individual and is based on the extent of vision problems that one has. Most of the people go in for the laser surgery otherwise known as lasik surgery. It has been observed that some of the people even have a 20 20 vision back though some are not fortunate but will definitely have an improvement from their earlier reading and may have to wear a reduced prescription after the procedure.

First a screening is done on your eyes, so that the doctor wcan determine which procedure would be best for you. Those people having eye corneas that are thick cannot go in for the lasik surgery. Instead he Lasek would be the best option for those with a thick layer of cornea. There is no need to worry about whether the doctor will know which one will be best for your eyes, because he will examine your eyes as mentioned before, to see the thickness of your cornea. With the Lasik treatment surgery, the eyes will be diluted with an alcohol solution to make the surgery process easier. As soon as the tissue of the cornea is loosened and spinned aside the doctor will be able to operate the tissue just below the top layer. The surgery will ensure that the top layer has been replaced giving you enhanced vision.

With the lasik surgery, the cornea of your eyes will be examined to determine how thick it is. Excessive layering of the cornea will be removed by a computerized tool so that the doctor can remove the flap and perform the surgery on your eyes. The doctor will put back the cornea after reshaping it. The light refraction in the eyes is brought down in order to increase the vision.

There need not be any kind of doubt in your mind to get the lasik or laser eye surgery done. There have been so many people that have benefited from getting this surgery and their eye sight has been either completely or mostly improved. There are many stars and actresses that you can research on the web that have had vision problems and went through a laser surgery procedure with great results. You can either try and find out more information or just seek the advise of your eye surgeon. The more information is acquired about it the better a person will feel about undergoing it. As the time passes by there is improvement in the laser eye surgery so you need not think anymore about it.


Permanent hair removal can not be achieved for first time

Permanent hair removal can not be achieved for first time. The following expert explain for it.

This is because the hair is to be human metabolism, its growth cycle is divided into three phases: growth phase, catagen, telogen. Every day the old natural hair loss, but also gradually grow new hair. The number of hairs off and grow the number of general equilibrium, so the number of hair always seems to look so much, in fact, some hair follicles are in telogen, and no hair cropped surface.

Laser Hair Removal, IPL Hair Removal mainly work in the hair growth phase, the catagen and telogen in hair basically invalid, must wait for this part of the hair cycle to the next growing season, when further treatment, while the hair into the growing season is one after another cycle of process, not with the uniform of long, so, laser hair removal needs to be done 3-5 times photons, or even more times, in order to achieve better results.

Removal of insulation in the EA can catagen hair growth period and, in the resting period has not yet emerged on the surface of the hair can not do anything. When we use insulated needle off the surface of the hair net, after all, over time, hair follicles have been destroyed in those areas next to the original in that part of telogen hair follicles there will gradually grow, this is a inevitable process, so a human hair is not possible addition to the net, even though EA is the use of insulation, but also needs to be done about all off the net three times before.

Because hair grows in cycles, to permanent hair removal, laser hair removal needs to be done 3-5 times photons, or even more times, in order to achieve better results.


Botox playing side effects?

About Botox

Botox is a growth of bacteria in the anoxic environment, canned food and seals in pickled food is extremely viable, is one of the most toxic poison. Clostridium botulinum is a deadly bacteria, botulinum toxin secretion during the breeding process, is one of the most toxic proteins. The toxin often used in military chemical and biological weapons. People toxin ingestion and absorption, the nervous system will be destroyed, dizziness, breathing difficulties and muscle weakness and other symptoms.

Botox type A highly toxic, it can destroy called SNAP-25 protein, thereby cutting off communication between nerve cells to muscle paralysis. Botulinum toxin type A has been used for the treatment of the functionality of strabismus and muscle spasms, and later cosmetic doctors began to use this toxin paralysis of facial muscles to achieve the lifting effect.

Italian researchers found in animal experiments, the secretion of Clostridium botulinum type A toxin, which is the cosmetic injection Botox wrinkle the main component, is injected into the skin may also enter the central nervous system, or even reach the brain stem. The finding that botulinum toxin wrinkle security issue has once again aroused concern.

botox singapore type

Food of botulinum botulinum disease patients with traumatic ... feeding children meat cause botulism food poisoning, such as: 1. PH> 4.6, low acid canned food (including cans, glass jar) 2 . sausage, ham. Botox injections in, as a dermatologist, is still very safe, but there are some issues to draw attention:
First, only a professional dermatologist to complete this operation, this is not a beauty salon can do it well. This is because the application of Clostridium botulinum in the beauty, the need to consider many issues, such as dose, injection site, which require professional training, and once injection fails, the consequences no less disfigurement.

Second, when injected, but also through a very rigorous skin test. As a highly toxic bacteria, it will not meet many people, even if never had allergies before the people, but also may be allergic to it.

Of course, after the injection of Botox, injections need to keep in order to effect a continuation of it requires a certain economic strength, the cost of Botox injections is about a 3,000 yuan. For some workers need to constantly use expressions, we suggested that she after the injection, preferably 1 to 2 weeks is not working, otherwise it will affect the injection effect. At the same time after the injection, do not do beauty, especially facial massage, it will also reduce the effect of injection.
Distribution of Botox

Botox are widely distributed in nature, the soil often can be detected, even also found in animal faeces. According to the antigenicity of toxins produced by different Clostridium botulinum is divided into A, B, Ca, Cb, D, E, F, G the 8 type, can cause human disease are A, B, E, F type, which to A, B type is most common.

Human gastrointestinal tract is a good oxygen environment for botulism to live. Clostridium botulinum is anaerobic, strictly anaerobic, decomposition in the gastrointestinal tract not only glucose, maltose and fructose, acid gas, but also digested meat residue, so dark, the stench of corruption. In the anaerobic environment, the bacteria can secrete a strong toxin, can cause specific neurological symptoms, morbidity, mortality is extremely high.

Strong resistance to botulinum spores, dry heat of 180 degrees for 5-15 minutes, 5 hours 100 degrees Celsius heat, high pressure steam 121 degrees for 30 minutes to kill spores. Botulinum toxin particularly strong resistance to acid, acid solution within 24 hours can not be destroyed, it can be absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract, damage to physical and mental health.

Botox cause the disease, mainly by strong botulinum toxin. Botox is the most violent poisons known, strong and ten thousand times more toxic than KCN; 1mg purified crystalline botulinum toxin to kill 200 million mice, the human lethal dose of approximately 0,1 ug. Botulinum toxin and exotoxin A typical difference is not released by the living bacteria, but bacterial cells produce non-toxic precursor of toxins, wait germs freed after the death of autolysis by intestinal bacteria in or generated by trypsin protease activated tenor, which is toxic and resistant to stomach acid and digestive enzymes destroyed.

About botox needle for face-lift,please log on to here:http://surgerylaser.wordpress.com/2011/06/11/botox-needle-face-lift/


How to choose laser surgery?

What is the excimer laser surgery

Eye Dr Wong pointed out that the use of excimer laser surgery is an excimer light, precise cutting the cornea, thus changing the eye's refractive power, the vision returned to normal. The technology introduced to China has been ten years, brought light to many patients. Currently on the market to use more LASIK and LASEK, the former as "in situ keratomileusis", which is the "subepithelial keratomileusis." The latest ORK, refers to "customized ablation in laser surgery," that is a "tailored" approach, cutting programs more carefully, so prices are more expensive than the previous two. However, these are the same basic mechanism of operation, namely, by cutting a certain thickness of the cornea to complete, so the higher the degree of myopia, the more cutting the cornea, the lower the security operation.

Individual hospitals claimed laser surgery, "immediate, no side effects, no rebound." In this regard, experts say it is misleading to consumers, the scope of laser surgery, there are strict requirements, not everyone can do.

Not everyone is suitable for surgery

Dr Wong said, usually require surgery over the age of 18, less than 1500 degrees myopia, astigmatism less than 600 degrees, and no other eye disease to surgery. Some myopic cornea itself is very thin, laser surgery can not be myopic, but also glaucoma, keratoconus eyes and so sick, and potential inoperable. In general, myopic laser surgery in China is quite mature now, and success of the procedure, laser surgery depends on the specific operation of medical equipment and technology. Therefore, asking price is appropriate in the same time, look for the best equipment and medical surgical unit's experience and so on. In general, to a large hospital surgery is relatively secure, because the surgery program, such as preoperative examination will be in a more professional and detailed. The clinic may be for a few non-standard benefit, and conceal the test results, and even surgery is not suitable for the surgery, so that greatly increased the risk of surgery.

Do not just look at the price

Currently, the market price of laser surgery also vary widely, from 2,000 yuan to 8,000 per month, the difference Where is it? Experts said that a 400 excimer equipment needs over a million dollars, with each operation and the disposable supplies, Even the cost of 2,000 yuan is not enough. In order to reduce the cost of individual hospitals, it is possible to use second-hand medical equipment, re-use blades, omitted part of such examination, the patient lay hidden.

Dr Wong said that laser surgery for myopia is achieved by cutting the cornea, myopia is reduced by 100 degrees, about 14 microns to the thickness of the cutting, and a normal corneal thickness of only 500 to 600 microns, so the deeper the degree of myopia, the risk greater. If after corneal surgery after cutting thin, can not resist the pressure in the eye, or even the formation of keratoconus, loss of vision. Myopia surgery because of corneal thinning, usually not any problem, but safety is bound to decline, after all this surgery and, like any other surgery, there is risk, not hundred percent successful. Experts advise on this, in the choice of myopia laser surgery, be sure to look at science, do not be misled by false advertising. But to do surgery, or will choose to see short-sighted decisions themselves.  

From the above,maybe you have known some notes of choosing laser surgery.So you will be wise to do such laser in your later life.